But what if the wearer is less attractive than the rulemaker? No matter, now the rule maker can bring in the "You're Too Ugly/Fat/Short/Tall For That" rule. This allows her and other women nearby to ridicule the wearer for daring to be seen in such attire, and by extention feel superior in the knowledge that they look better. One of my very few female friends is so bad about the "too fat for that" rule that sometimes I want to shake her. My own rule on this is if you don't like what you see then look somewhere else, but I understand that rule isn't in print yet.
Of course the rules of The Game go far beyond clothing. They cover the car you drive, the church you attend (or don't), your hairstyle, and even how much you eat. Think I'm exaggerating on that? I've known women to refuse to drive a luxury car because they're afraid of the talk that will spread about how they got the money to pay for it. Likewise have known a few who would drive nothing but, even if it meant not being able to afford food, so their "friends" would not dis them for driving a hoopty. If you're really stuck for entertainment, go watch a group of women eating out. First they all discuss their diets. Then they commiserate about how they can't seem to lose weight. Next is the competition. I only had a salad at lunch. Oh well I just had a yogurt. You ate the whole yogurt? No just half. Oh well I had 3 almonds and a green tea for lunch. I ate nothing at all. I'm on the cabbage soup diet (also known as the firehose shits diet). Then they order, and trust me, they pay attention to who orders what and how much of it they eat. This is why a lot of women get a salad when they go out to dinner, pick at it the entire time, then go home and raid the fridge when no one is looking.
Maybe my new neighbors aren't independant rulemakers of The Game. Maybe they just made up a big batch of brownies because they're nice people and wanted to welcome us to the neighborhood. Maybe they went home and said, they sure seem like nice people. I hope so.
Or maybe they're like every other female who has ever welcomed me or my family to a new neighborhood, more interested in sizing us up than befriending us. Maybe after they met us and returned home, they commented on how they shouldn't have brought brownies given how the poor new neighbor so clearly doesn't need them. It will just be so much temptation to her when she's trying to watch her weight. Maybe a nice plate of fruit would have been better.
Either way, I ate 3 of those bitches and they were GOOD.
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