Thursday, October 23, 2008

WTF McCain's Corky Impersonations

Granted I am no McCain fan but even his most die hard followers have to do a WTF at his apparent penchant for sticking his tongue out. I've seen less tongue hanging on a Saint Bernard after a hard run.

Looking at these pictures, I am suddenly overwhelmed with the urge to find a photo of the latest Palin offspring....

I just want someone in office who will say, look we've got to focus on ourselves for a while. Let's be like Sweden. Let's mind our own fucking business and clean up our own mess here at home, rather than get our knickers in a twist all over the damn globe. Iran? Iraq? North Korea? Fuck 'em. Let those living next to them worry about them for a while. We have our own mess here on the homefront. We got illegals streaming in like it's happy hour at IHop, we got meth on every damn corner, people are losing their jobs right and left while big execs get 45 million dollar severance packages, our kids can't string a fucking paragraph together and think handing out blowjobs on the school bus at 14 is acceptable. No one can afford insurance and no one cares if we get sick, unless of course we've got 4 kids by 3 guys and no job, and that's not fucking right. I want someone who can say, I don't care if you own a gun for self defense or choose not to have a child you know you won't take care of anyway. Someone who can say, let's treat each other like adults for a change, instead of a bunch of homeroom mommies trying to make everyone else on the playground mind us. And preferably, I want someone who can say it without his tongue slapping him on the collarbone.

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