Saturday, April 5, 2008

blah blah blah

I have an arrangement with a guy who brings me waste produce from the store to feed the pigs. I was given 3 sick pigs a while back, 2 turned around and are fine, the third never did. I told him that if he'd bring stuff out for all the pigs to eat on, I'd let him have one when they were butchering weight. Of course, pigs aren't going to grow fat on tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, and lettuce, so I buy pig finisher and corn for them. Mostly it's just to provide a little variety for them. This would be a good arrangement except that this guy never misses a chance to imply that 1) I'm not taking care of my animals, and 2) he'd do a better job.

This hasn't been the best of weeks. A gate fell on KC and killed her, and the third pig who never got well finally died. I get a phone call at work from Mr Produce, the gist of it being that I am not taking care of my animals. "You should have given her to me I would have taken care of her". As if the goat knocking a gate off it's hinges and on top of her is somehow due to my negligence. Then I hear how "we" can't afford to lose any more pigs because "he" has worked so hard. Never mind that all that finisher and corn I *pay* for, or the time I've spent cleaning the pig pen, or my water bill, or the fact that that pig was screwed up from the day he was given to me (and where's my applause for bringing the other two back from the dead?), apparently he's doing all the work and I'm just letting them die. Then I get to hear how looking at my horse hurts him and how he'll fatten her up on tomatoes or something, because you know that 16 pounds of feed a day that I'm giving her isn't nearly as good as what he'd do. Never mind that she's 30 and a gummer. I must not be feeding her. Of course, a bucket of lettuce and carrots will fatten her right up. More likely it will give her the runs and she'll lose even MORE weight.

Next time he tries to act like I'm not doing what I need to do, I'm going to drop the nice and let him have it.

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