Monday, February 18, 2008

The Twins Go Outside Yay

Last night I put the bottle babies KC & Sunshine out in the trailer for the first time. They were born during an ice storm so they'd been in a box in my hall and they were really stinking up the place. I ran to SquallMart and got a heat lamp for them, and resurrected some of the baby goat coats that I thought I'd never use again, and now they're hooked up. My trailer doubles as portable stalls, and it's parked beside the house where there's an outlet for the light.

KC is on the left, Sunshine is on the right. If you're over 40 you'll get the reference. The group was before my time but my brothers are all at least 10 years older than I am so I grew up on a lot of 60s and 70s music.

When I had the goats, I was always using these blankets. I can't count the times I heard some goat breeder brag about how the babies were so strong and tough and how they could handle the weather. Pffft. Every one of them had heat lamps in a stall somewhere for winter kidding. I must have 30 of these blankets, because otherwise the babies would get cold and that was that. On the other hand, I've seen lambs born into a snow bank who were up and running like antelope within a half hour. These two wouldn't need the blankets or heat light except I had them in the house for a few days and I figured it'd make the transition from 70F inside to 20F outside a bit easier on them, heh.

Eh it's bottle time again.

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